Thought it would be cool to look back months from now at our first day on the road. Here are some memorable moments we’d love to share with you:

-Shoving off from Grandma’s driveway this afternoon – our travel trailer’s home for the last 4ish months. We’ve had lots of morning coffee together with Grandma and family, hysterical dinner conversations Grandpa would not approve of and Sue Bee getting all of the love (and snacks). There were some tears shed today, some hugs given and a Bon Voyage from those seeing us off.

-Hitting the storage unit one last time. Adam insisted on being the one to back my car into the garage, but then realized he couldn’t get out after he was parked…#husbands. My brother’s girlfriend Cassidy saved the day (short people are the best because they can crawl out of car windows and narrowly opened doors)!

-Cil is the cutest little gray cat with the prettiest emerald green eyes and the loudest, most persistent meow that ever existed in the cat kingdom. So, we decided to take her out of her cat carrier and let her roam free in the backseat of the truck for a few hours. It spared all of us from going insane, and/or accidentally leaving Cil on the side of the road somewhere (just kidding of course)! She enjoyed watching the road go by and accidentally rolled her window down a time or two all by herself. She also stopped meowing. Good cat.

-And, finally, our first overnight stop in Lexington, VA. Adam found us the cutest campground with the most spectacular view! He’s the best navigator and travel trailer driver ever! Sue Bee and I took a walk around this evening and I made her pose for all of the photos.

It still feels a bit surreal that we are pulling our house around and have nothing but open road in front of us. Maybe it’ll all sink in eventually, or maybe it won’t. Either way, we’re looking forward to enjoying it all, O.D.A.T.


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