The Rustic and Beautiful Northeast

We left Cleveland behind us and followed highway 90 along Lake Erie into Pennsylvania. We looked into taking a detour to overnight at Niagara Falls, but we weren’t confident about where we could park the rig for the night, so we made a right and headed east across the bottom of New York state. A […]

But Why Cleveland?

Alright, alright, alright! We left Topeka in our shiny new truck and hit the road at actual highway speed, like the whole time. The old truck was not fast. Even though I added an auxiliary transmission cooler in Santa Fe (while SueBee was having her spleen out), the transmission would easily get above boiling on […]

Truck Shopping in Topeka

Right before we left Wickenburg, AZ, we had to replace all the brakes and brake booster. It wasn’t cheap, but you can’t put a price on your family’s safety. The first brake booster didn’t fit, and the second one failed the same day it was installed (bad diaphragm). The third booster did the trick and […]

On the Road Again

We’ve been in Wickenburg, Arizona since May 29th – that’s seven full weeks! It’s been so long here that it feels like home; we catch ourselves saying things like “Oh it’s so nice today, it’s only 103° outside!” Fun fact – if you leave a plastic clamshell container on the dashboard of your truck in […]

We Didn’t Give Up On The Blog!

It’s been an unreasonably busy month. In our last post we were in North Carolina. Since then we spent a week in Myrtle Beach where Kristin took retreat with her friends, and a couple of mine came down to visit. I had a couple of days to myself before picking Kristin up, so I took […]

How We Survived the Great Gas Panic of Tuesday

Dear friends – if you get a phone call, email, text message, or pretty much any kind of communication you weren’t expecting…and they ask you to provide your personal information or go out on the internet, stop. Just stop right there and take some time to verify the legitimacy of the exchange. Any company you […]

A Bayou by the Big Easy

We headed out of Austin on Friday night and drove down to I-10 before heading east towards Louisiana. We passed through Houston and Beaumont, and we passed several refineries with enormous flames billowing from the top of one or more stacks. One of the flames was so huge that we could feel the heat at […]

Dear Austin, TX,

Dear Austin, TX, As your hats say, and your t-shirts say, and your billboards even say, You were definitely weird. But, I hate to call you weird because you were just being you, too. And, no one likes to be judged for being themselves. When we first arrived, I noticed your glitz and glam and […]

Aliens, Gas Cans, and the Full Moon

So our plans to head to Arizona are delayed since SueBee was layed up in the hospital. We picked her up on Sunday morning which didn’t leave a lot of time to drive before the sun set on the weekend. We decided to head south and make a left turn into Texas. We went a […]

CHAPTER 7: Epilogue

The food of Santa Fe… We ate out some and we ate in some. We ate delicious vegetarian and vegan food. We ate good. – Adam + Kristin