CHAPTER 6: The Mountain (Finale)

There are a lot of brown and beige hills and mountains in Santa Fe. They are covered with scraggly green vegetation. When we first set up camp in the National Forest I pointed to a mountain range in the East with snowy peaks. It was different than the other hills and mountains. It was gray […]

CHAPTER 5: The Dirt, Part Two

After Sue Bee was out of surgery and stable last Friday, we decided to make the best of what we had left in the day (it was also Adam’s birthday). We traveled up to Chimayo, New Mexico to visit a Catholic Sanctuary called, El Santuario de Chimayo. The sanctuary was stunning, and you could really […]

CHAPTER 4: The Dog, Part Two

Up early on Friday morning, we were back on the road to Albuquerque to take Sue Bee in for surgery. None of her prognoses were great at that point, but surgery seemed the best way to go if she was “healthy” enough to get through the prerequisites. We dropped her off, and waited patiently for […]

CHAPTER 3: The Dirt & The Dog, Part One

By Wednesday afternoon the wild winds of the National Forest were proving to be too much for us. We weren’t feeling the greatest being at an elevation above 7,000 feet. Our trailer windows had been shut for almost 24 hours to prevent anymore swirling dirt from coming into our living space and wrecking havoc on […]

CHAPTER 2: The Wind

The wind in the National Forest started to pick-up a bit on Monday evening, and we went to sleep feeling the rocking and listening to subtle howls as the wind brushed up against the trailer. By Tuesday afternoon the wind was wild and we had seen several dust devils around our camping sight. After our […]

CHAPTER 1: The Scenery

We arrived in Santa Fe fairly early on a Sunday afternoon almost two weeks ago now. We headed up to the National Forest to secure our boondocking sight for the week ahead, and the scenery did not disappoint. Our front yard and back yard were surrounded by mountain ranges, juniper and cactus as far as […]

Santa Fe, NM: A Collection of Short Stories

Our trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico was one we won’t ever forget. So much happened while we were there that we decided to break the trip up into several short blog posts. We would also like to dedicate our “Collection of Short Stories” to all the family and friends that sent us good juju, […]

The Trouble with Turbines

I remember the first time I saw wind turbines, it was in 2010 going over a mountain in Pennsylvania, and there were three of them spinning at the top. It was cool. It offered up hope that there may be a future where renewable energy reigns supreme. We pulled up the jacks again on Friday […]

A Week in Toad Suck

Toad Suck, Arkansas often appears on lists of places with unusual names, and that is a lot of the reason it caught our attention. Just outside Conway, AR and not too far from Little Rock, AR, Toad Suck offered us quiet camping and beautiful scenery. We started the week a little further up the Arkansas […]

Seeking Home

A couple of years ago I was at a daylong spiritual workshop being led by one of my favorite spiritual teachers. At one point the teacher opened up the workshop for Q&A. I remember this participant asking him, “Do you think it would help me on my spiritual journey to go to India like you […]