From Lexington to Little Rock

Friday we left home and made the first couple hours of our journey to stay the night in Lexington VA. Saturday we woke up early and got right to chorin’. Gas up the truck, get coffee from the travel plaza (we didn’t have any cream in the camper), onboard 30 gallons of water, and hitch […]

And, we’re off!

Thought it would be cool to look back months from now at our first day on the road. Here are some memorable moments we’d love to share with you: -Shoving off from Grandma’s driveway this afternoon – our travel trailer’s home for the last 4ish months. We’ve had lots of morning coffee together with Grandma […]

Shoving Off

The truck is packed, now we just have to finish packing the rig! -Adam


Every good story has a beginning, middle and end. Here’s part of ours… Years ago (almost 16 now) Adam had a pipedream: It was to live in an RV and travel the country with me. I thought he was absolutely nuts and there was no way I was going to live in an RV! He […]